Sunday, July 6, 2014

Unreleased Top 10 Script!

Remember my last video I did where I said the next episode would be a top 10 list of shartists I wouldn't cover? I never got around to actually record it but the script sat in my flash drive ever since. Well I found it and decided to upload the script on here as a means of closure to the videos. For now...

Greetings viewers, and welcome to a rather different episode of deviantSHART. As you are well aware, I get many requests for people they want me to tackle. But there are a few of them I will not cover for various reasons. So I've assembled 10 of those few lucky shartists who will avoid the chopping block here today in this list. Get ready for the Top 10 Shartists I will never do.

#10 Richard Kuta. Now I know what you're saying. You said you would feature him during Shit Month! Yes I did, but the more I thought about it, I don't want to give this guy any more attention, this video withstanding. For those who don't know who he is, he started out as a mere Sonic fan who bootlegged videos of fansubs of Sonic X. Then he tried to start a Sonic fanfilm which failed to impress. Then it was discovered he has a diaper fetish and lives as an adult baby. It doesn't get prettier from here on. This guy is too easy a target for me. That's like me shooting a clay pidgeon with a machine gun. Speaking of easy targets...

#9 Christian Weston Chandler AKA Chris Chan. Honestly, I don't need to disect his childish artwork. There's a whole article on the CWCki that does that for me! Also, right now, Chris is going through a lot recently. His father passed away a few years ago, his house caught fire back in January, and he's currently in a rental house right now as of this video. And I know I'm gonna get a little flack for this, but despite the dubious quality of the art and his comic, he was doing what he loved to do, draw. But recent events prevent him from doing so. So doing an episode on him is out of the question. (This was written before he started selling prints on eBay.)

#8 Fanfiction writers. This show is called deviantSHART, not FanficShit. I focus on bad art, not bad fanfiction. If you want to see someone review fanfiction, watch the Fanfic Critic. If a shartist also dabbles in fanfiction I might give a passing mention of it, but unlike Roninhunt, which was an exception, I won't spend a good portion of the episode talking about it.

#7 Other members of Pooh's Adventures. GOOD LORD I AM THROUGH WITH THEM. I've said it three times now. They are a sin upon the Earth. They're a bunch of mentally challenged 16 year old virgins who won't let go of their childhood. BrerDaniel should be ashamed for starting the whole thing, YWM has terrible taste in ideas, and Reese, he might say he's retired, but his attraction to Numbah Five and Meg Griffin shows he isn't using that brain of his correctly. As for the rest of them, GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN. I have nothing else to say about them. 

#6 Pornographic Shartists. I don't want my videos to be flagged. That it all.

#5 Intentionally bad artists. The scumbags who intentionally make their artwork so crappy, there is no way any effort was made. These pieces of art are so bad, no one will be able to take them seriously. Bonus points if their grammar looks like that of a preschooler. They know their art is shit and will continue to claim their art is worthy of being hung in museums. Trust me, I've seen someone try to claim they painted the Mona Lisa, A Starry Night, and even the Last Supper.

#4 Art thieves. Why judge a shartist who uses someone else's work? I don't want to unintentionally piss off the artist who actually drew the artwork that's being stolen.

#3 Photographers. I know DarthRaner83 took photos and uploaded them to dA, but that was only a tiny chunk of his gallery. I know ANYONE who can operate a camera can claim they are a photographer, but why judge real life? Oh you took a black and white picture of a potted plant on a wooden chair on a porch, you are the next Robert Mapplethorpe. Take my money, I want many prints of this for my Instagram followers.

#2 Shartists who abuse bases. After Clarbelswehope, I don't want to do another base abuser. That goes for doll creator abusers too. That isn't art. That's just something you made in 5 seconds and are now reaching for the Print Screen key on your keyboard.

Before we get to number 1, here are some honorable mentions. (This was a work in progress that got halted after the move to the blog format.)

And #1, Users who upload Doll Creators or Dress up games. I can't believe I've gotten some requests for these. What do you want me to do with that? Play it? Have you seen that Retsupurae video of this one guy playing with a dress up game? That didn't go over well. Doll creators and dress up games are there for minor distractions and tiny bursts of fun for girls.

I excluded the usual "sharty goodness" catchphrase and the hint about the next episode as it was kinda pointless. The following episode would've been a revisit to Alex and her new obsessions and a possible Skype intervention, but she got her account suspended before I could get any new footage. The Skype portion was out of the question as trying to record that would've been a bitch. After all that the empty threats to the police by Kody and a few others made me consider moving here.

Okay this'll probably be the last post for awhile. I may pop on here for my birthday but that'll be it.

See you all in August!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sorry for the lack of updates

Yeah I know its been almost a month since the last post, but I currently have a summer job right now. Not only that, but I also have my 21st birthday coming up in a few weeks, and a few other personal issues like taking care of this dog my family is fostering. So I'm kinda occupied with that at the moment. To make up for it, here's a few updates from shartists I've been observing for shits and giggles.

*Masteraccount's a brony now. Sure, put masks on ponies who don't even have fingers. How would they even get them on? Their feet are pretty much Strong Sad's "soolnds." If you got that reference I wanna give you a high five through your screen.

*Apparently Kodyboy moved out and is now living on his own. The fact he managed to do something CWC has yet to do makes me cringe. Also he apparently hasn't had the "death talk" as he was told by his father his parakeet "was flying and then vanished into thin air." I don't know what's worse, the fact he is obsessed with war, RAPE, baby shows, and practically begs people to draw aquatic otters in *insert color of scuba gear here* and expects it to be done ASAP, or the fact he still hasn't understood the concept of real life death.

*Alex is still obsessing over Rick and Dogbert mpreg and doesn't seem to be slowing down. At this point her mind is a peverted pile of mush.

*Pogorikifan10 is now obsessing about Mixels, this strange new fad Lego has been advertising on Cartoon Network. While the concept is kiiiiinda interesting, its really annoying and it makes me miss the cityscape bumps they use to do. Plus Digimon did the whole "mix two creatures together" concept about years before this. She's also still pushing that "ghost Lifty" OC of hers.

*Golddogman9012 aka Evan Gardipy has returned, leaving very childish Engrish on my videos. Seems he makes videos just as bad as his "art." You know it isn't wise to use your full name as your channel name. One quick Google search and you strike gold. *cough* Kody *cough*